Meet The Loosies
Ashley | 2015
Born into a family of instrumentalists and singers, Ashley stood out by picking up the most beautiful (obnoxious) instrument she could find. She started playing oboe in fourth grade and ended up with a performance degree at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Before that, her first foray into a cappella was with her middle school group, The Sweet Adelines. She also performed in musicals, such as "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," "Anything Goes," "Once Upon a Mattress," and more.
Since college, she's moved all around pursuing her love of the business side of music and now works in marketing. When she got to San Francisco, she took up music again by taping awkward 6-second pop videos of herself and her oboe on vine @electroboe. She stumbled into a performance of The Loosies at Neck of the Woods, and the rest is history.
Jayshree | 2015
Originally from Wisconsin (yes, she says it with an accent), Jayshree has been part of music and singing groups all her life. Her earliest solo debut was at age 6, singing "Bring me a Baby Brother" for the school's holiday performance (she has two sisters, hence the song fit). Throughout her childhood, she sang in many choirs, both locally and nationally. She went on to sing in her high school's madrigal group and performed various gigs around town.
After moving to San Francisco in 2007 following a stint in NYC, Jayshree dabbled in a bit of music with a band and vocal jazz group. She is so thrilled to have found The Loosies and the musical company of like-minded ladies who she considers family! In her off-music time, Jayshree is a developmental behavior clinician for kids and families. She loves anything outdoors, attempting DIY projects, and hanging out around town with her husband and daughter.
Julia | 2019
Julia is a San Francisco native who has been singing since before she could talk. Her debut on stage was at age 5, beginning her musical theater career, which lasted through high school. Once she left the Bay for undergrad in chilly Hamilton, New York, she joined the coed a capella group The Colgate Resolutions.
Julia is thrilled to have found The Loosies and to be singing with this wonderful group of ladies. When not on stage, Julia is a practicing clinical psychologist.
Karyne | 2010
Karyne — pronounced like "careening down a hill" — is a Bay Area native who enjoys singing, sandwiches and video games. Prior to the Loosies, she was in an a cappella group (the now-defunct Bolder Blend) at CU Boulder.
Besides being an a cappella nerd, Karyne is also a musical theater nerd. Some of her favorite roles include: Maria in "Sound of Music," Nancy in "Oliver," and Susan in "Big: The Musical," all at Hillbarn Theatre in Foster City; Soupy Sue in "Urinetown" at Foothill Music Theatre; and The Baker's Wife in "Into the Woods" at Sunnyvale Community Players.
It's fitting, then, that Karyne is also a nerd for her day job: She's the Entertainment editor at Protocol.
Lindsay | 2013
Originally from Maryland, Lindsay currently calls San Francisco home after having moved here on what could best be described as a whim, and without ever having visited! She is lucky to have found herself in a city that can nurture her artsy side, and when not selling enterprise software, she can be found taking art classes, attempting to write songs on the guitar and piano, and now, proudly singing with The Loosies!
Lindsay has been involved in performing arts since she played Marian the Librarian in "The Music Man" at age 8. She went on to star as a tightrope walker at circus camp and a French horn player in middle school band, among other musical and artistic pursuits, and even auditioned for "American Idol"! Most recently she was the musical director for the Demon Divas at Wake Forest University, and is thrilled to be part of an a cappella group again!
Lisa | 2005
Lisa is from New York City but is happy to call San Francisco home. Her love for a cappella started in college at the University of Vermont where she sang with the Cat's Meow. After graduating and moving home, Lisa sang with Treble, an all-female group in NYC.
When she moved to San Francisco, searching out an a cappella group was first on the agenda. Thanks to good ol' Craigslist, she came across an audition notice for The Loosies, and the rest is (ancient) history. She feels so lucky to have found such an amazing group of people who she considers her close friends along with singing buddies. Aside from making a cappella magic with The Loosies, Lisa is a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful kiddos.
Madison | 2017
Madison claims she's a Bay Area native, even though she spent her first 9 years walking distance from KU. Rock chalk.
Her first debut on stage was in third grade as "The Bill" in "School House Rock." Music stayed a common thread thereafter, where she joined Singers of Marin, an all-girls chorus that traveled to compete in Disney World, Austria and South Africa.
In college she founded the first a cappella group at UC Davis entirely made of sorority girls. Greekbeats is still thriving today. After graduating and starting work at a corporate research company, Madison quickly realized something was missing. She actively looked for the right a cappella group to join, and has been with The Loosies ever since.
Morgan | 2011
Morgan’s first took the stage with "You Are My Sunshine" at age 2, and she’s been singing ever since. At the University of Chicago, Morgan carried the low harmonies of the all-female a cappella group Men in Drag (no men, no drag), and wailed away with UChicago’s gospel choir, Soul Umoja.
Before becoming a Loosie, Morgan sang with the SF classic rock band Savior Funk and pop cover group Level Up. When she's not singing (or even when she is!), Morgan is a practicing health care lawyer, wife and mama.
Roe | 2007
Music has been a staple in Roe's life since the days of singing in church as a wee little second-grader.
Roe completed her bachelor's of music degree at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and then spent several years performing in musicals all across the country. When one lucky, life-changing role brought her to the West Coast for the first time, she immediately fell in love with the Bay Area. She moved to SF in 2007 and was blessed to join The Loosies right away.
By day, Roe teaches babies (birth to age 3) with special needs and their families as an early interventionist; by night she's in grad school working on her master's in special ed. Don't you worry, though; she still has time for music! Her life is exponentially better thanks to her weekly musical outlet and the lovely ladies of The Loosies!
Sara | 2010
Sara is originally from Tunis, Tunisia, and has been singing with friends, in choruses and pretty much everywhere she could since she was very small.
She was introduced to a cappella in college where she sang with The Cornell Class Notes as well as the Cornell University Chorus. But then somehow after graduate school, work took over her life and she didn't sing for several years. It was a dark time.
Thankfully, she found The Loosies and things have been much better since! In her spare time, she makes documentary films, runs, cooks and has dance parties with her two daughters.
Susan | 2005
Susan is a Bay Area native and admitted a cappella addict.
A choir-nerd all her life, she gave up a chance to be a cheerleader in high school for the allure of a madrigal-style choir, where she got to dance with boys in pantaloons and tights! She went on to found the TriTones at UC San Diego, creating the university’s first official a cappella group.
These days, Susan is an early stage technology startup investor and advisor with a passion and focus on finding and creating opportunities that increase diversity and inclusion in technology and venture capital. She has been a Loosie since 2005, which is when she moved to San Francisco with her (now) husband, and is a proud Mama of two future musicians!
Sydney | Joined 2017
Sydney developed a passion for music at an early age. As a little girl, she practiced her grandmother's vibrato from the back pew in church and waited for piano lessons from the plastic-covered couches in Mrs. Levy's living room.
Raised in the small Northern California town of Grass Valley, Sydney continued her musical pursuits as a flutist , marching in the junior high band. She sang with the coveted Chamber Choir at Nevada Union High School, and even traveled to Europe to perform.
At Cal Poly, Sydney minored in music, singing, composing and conducting. She also began competing in triathlon and long distance running. Sydney moved to San Francisco in 2000, and is a sports physical therapist and Pilates instructor. Missing music from her life since moving to SF, she was happy to have discovered The Loose Interpretations and is even happier to be a part of the group!